I've been riding for over 40 years. The distances I travel now are much shorter than in my heyday. But there is no amount of money that can compensate for those memories. I traveled solo as, 'The Lone Wolf.' The funny thing is, I was never alone. Looking back in time an angel was always on my shoulder.

The driver of a car merely travels from one point to another. His destination is set by the paved highway. A motorcyclist on the other hand has the curiosity of a cat. A beaten path off the main road holds the allure of adventure. I wonder where that leads? Will I see some hidden beauty of nature nestled in the back woods? Two wheels give more freedom than four. We may share the road with the four wheelers and the giant 18 wheeled behemoths, but we are individualists.

On many a long and lonesome highway I would encounter another steel mounted equestrian. Whoever had the lead would gesture to double up. Two independent souls found themselves riding side by side. No verbal words were ever spoken, but a spiritual dialogue ensued during the entire encounter. Each of us kept a safe distance, almost as if we were repelling magnets.

Looking over the handle bars you peered off into a distant focal point. Yet glancing down you saw the blurred asphalt racing past your feet. Slowly lowering your foot to kiss the ground caused the souls of your shoes to be sanded away
at 65 miles an hour. There was a unique freedom. Your racing steed was at your command. Goose the throttle and endorphins surged throughout your body.

As I watched America roll by on both sides of me, I viewed parts of this country unappreciated by the hurried traveler. Time and age have taken their toll. I no longer have the stamina to trek the long distances I once mastered. One thing is for sure though; those memories will comfort me until the day I die.
This entry was posted
on Thursday, February 13, 2014
at Thursday, February 13, 2014
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Life Experiences
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